0 about about

Creative Synthesis + Business Solutions


Creative + Art Direction


Photography + Art Direction

Aden + Anais

Photography + Art Direction

New York Style

Photography + Video

ChapStick Models

Creative + Art Direction


Creative + Art Direction

Oikos Protein

Branding + Art Direction


Creative + Art Direction

Preparation H

Art Direction + Photography

Dial Soap

Illustration + Art Direction




what i do

Creating innovative digital products and experiences

Multidisciplinary creative with industry experience in all facets of creative and visual design. I enjoy the expressive journey from a sketch to crafting the finished product.


I find great satisfaction in translating the creative vision of well-known brands into memorable customer experiences. Along with successful execution, providing strategic solutions, and consistently delivering the highest quality creative.


I have developed compelling designs with countless colleagues and teams throughout my creative journey. Respect team members and collaborate on information for optimal ideation, understanding, workflow, production, performance, and contribution.


I acknowledge key methods and processes for defining project scopes, requirements, and specifications. Always be ready to anticipate potential problems and issues and to address them with short- and long-term solutions.


Process and Tools

Creative Toolbox

Art Direction & Design

  • Graphic Design
  • Design Systems
  • Digital Product Design
  • Typography
  • Web Design
  • Web Banners
  • Presentations
  • Social Media Creative
  • Brand Indentity
  • Infographics
  • Logo and Icon Design
  • Campaign Creative
  • Eblasts Design
  • DigitalPresentations
  • UX/IA Workflows
  • Low-Fidelity and High-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Wireframes

Content Creation

  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Animation
  • Digital Art
  • Sketching
  • Illustration
  • Storytelling
  • Storyboarding
  • Retouching
  • Post Production


  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Lightroom
  • Capture One
  • After Effects
  • Premiere
  • Fresco
  • XD
  • Figma
  • Canva
  • Microsoft Suite
  • Invision

Art Direction & Design


Content Creation


Software & Tools



Communication + Culture


Getting to know each individual is crucial to decreasing misunderstandings and conflict. Most of the time, the best thing is to actively listen, digest, identify, and understand. Always ask questions when something is unclear. Resolve any issues at an early stage.


Instead of dotting the dots too quickly and starting off running, which can be ineffective and unproductive. Smart planning, organizing, discovery, and research can save many hours of wasted effort and time.


Working with people can be complex and challenging. When interacting and collaborating, I always try to have an objective point of view. Recognizing that everyone is different, all positive results come from empathy and understanding.

Time management

Many times, there will be numerous jobs ongoing within multiple timelines. Daily coordination with project managers and keeping tabs on my work. It was always a priority. All the work can be done in an orderly fashion with great results. Planning and anticipating a fork in the road always alleviates those issues.


Awareness of the timelines for every project, meetings, and daily tasks. Be responsible for all your deliverables on time and within budget, even in unpredictable situations. Be prepared to tackle problems that arise. Lastly, always exceed expectations and raise the bar on every section of work you construct.


I enjoy sharing and teaching colleagues the skills I have honed throughout my career, whether photography, illustration, or other expertise. It is always gratifying to foster and cultivate learning and experience with team members. It always comes back two-fold somehow in exchange for when you teach others.


Behind the work

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